There are three realities with respect to the Gospel in Latin America. First, there is a great multitude of people lost and living without hope. Second, in some communities and even in some towns there is no Christian church to deliver the redemptive message of Jesus to the people. Third, there are local pastors and missionaries that are well trained and willing to plant churches in these areas, but they lack the financial resources needed to carry out this mission. In many cases, the national organization cannot fund church planting efforts.
However, with your financial involvement, we can cover the costs of starting a church, such as rent, Bibles, chairs, discipleship material, financial support for the missionary and other ministry expenses.
In the last two years we have already started two churches in Cuba - a country hungry for Jesus - and our lead missionary in Cuba is working on starting a third one in 2025, Lord willing. We must help him carry out this vital work, so more Cubans can know Jesus as their Savior and grow in His image!
Let's plant churches together! Go to our DONATE page to donate by credit or debit card. Or, if you prefer, you may send your tax-exempt donation (check or money order) to:
Proyecto Filipenses
1720 River Bluff Road
Monroe, GA 30656
Proyecto Filipenses, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated as such in the State of Georgia (USA) and registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Treasury. Your donations are tax-exempt in accordance with state and federal laws.